Tritium Recycle Disposal (Discounted 20% with New Sign Purchase 1:1)

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Regular price $88.00

Do you need to recycle or dispose of any Tritium Exit Signs? If so, then we're here to help you. We offer a simple step-by-step solution that cost effective, safe and efficient.

Why is it Important to Recycle Tritium Exit Signs?

Tritium exit signs are require proper recycling for disposal after their useful life is over. Tritium disposal isn't as difficult as some might think. Recycling tritium exit signs with us is simple - just purchase the recycling, fill out the paperwork, and mail the signs to one of our US recycling facilities.

About Tritium Powered Self Luminous Exit Signs

Tritium exit signs became popular because of their self-illuminating capabilities. These self-luminous exit signs do not require any type of electrical connection to remain illuminated and code compliant. They save the costs associated with conventional exit signs - maintenance, operation, and replacement. Lasting up to 20 years, they are powered by tritium gas, an isotope of hydrogen, that naturally glows green. This tritium illumination technology was adopted over 30 years ago, one that's also utilized in watches worn by Navy SEALS. It's important to dispose of self luminous exit signs properly because of tritium's inherent radioactivity. They are completely safe signs - approved for use throughout the United States - but do require proper disposal.

Here are the steps involved:

  1. Purchase this tritium recycling product on a per sign basis. For signs that are two-sided (back to back), purchase 2 recycling products per sign as they are considered separate signs.
  2. Fill out the paperwork that we send you about your signs and email it back to us.
  3. We then use that paperwork to procure a DCN (Disposal Control Number), which you include on the shipping labels for the packages of signs.
  4. Send the signs to one of our facilities around the United States and that's it - you're done!

If you purchase new tritium exit signs signs at the same time as recycling for old signs, the cost of recycling reduces 20%.

Contact Us Today!

Please call us at 800-590-8599 or email us at: if you have any questions, need more information about the purchase, or would like a quote.